
Waschanleitung gegen Mikroplastikverschmutzung

Unser Waschguide

Questions and answers about the GUPPYFRIEND Sink Filter

The bathroom, in the kitchen, when cleaning your windows, your bike or car and even in the camper van. The GUPPYFRIEND Sink Filter is our multipurpose filter for many uses. If you use a plastic sponge to clean the dishes: Use the GUPPYFRIEND Sink Filter, too. Microfibre cloth particels and dust, they’re contained by the GUPPYFRIEND Sink Filter. For a quick hand wash of your yoga pants or fleece jumper: Use the GUPPYFRIEND Sink Filter. For the collected water in your condensation dryer: Use the GUPPYFRIEND Sink Filter. And so on.

The best way is to brush it with a soft brush and dispose of any particels in your residual waste. Please do not vacuum the GUPPYFRIEND Sink Filter or rinse it under running water. So, even if it's more effort to use the filter: make it your daily routine! Microplastics belong in the bin, not in the sea!

It doesn't matter; it works fine when used at an angle.

If used as intended, the durability of the GUPPYFRIEND Sink Filter is not limited. However, please note that temperatures above 90 °C, acid, sharp edges and high-weight loads can destroy the filter surface. Attention: The filter should not be used for lacquers, oils, and solids.

Tests conducted by the German Textile Research Centre have proven the effectiveness of our GUPPYFRIEND Sink Filter in private households and offices. Click here for the test results

Tiny nanoparticles also form a proportion of the mass of house dust. The GUPPYFRIEND Sink Filter can help retain them, because some particles invisible to the human eye stick to larger fibres and can be filtered out, too. However, liquid and dissolved polymers, i.e., plastics in detergents, can’t be retained. The solution: use cleaners without microplastics or dissolved, liquid / gel-like polymers.

The GUPPYFRIEND Sink Filter is an untreated, silicone-free and excellent laboratory filter fabric made from polyester, characterised by its high alkaline resistance. Don’t worry; since it is made from a monofilament, the filter fabric doesn't release microplastics into nature. The frame? That’s also made from 100 % post-consumer recycled materials for a clean conscience.

The filter fabric of the GUPPYFRIEND Sink Filter is made in Italy, and the ingredients come from Switzerland, Germany, and Italy. The plastic for the frame is 100 % post-consumer recycled.

The functionality of the fabric, which is specially produced for filters, is scientifically defined and has been tested many times. It’s commonly used for the filtration of food and drinking water and in the technical laboratories of many large industries, e.g., for particle separation.

Our major challenge for this high-tech fabric was to define the appropriate mesh size for our needs. We wanted to filter as effectively as possible without waiting too long for the liquids to be strained or to “seep through”. 

The German Textile Research Centre North-West (DTNW), which analyses particles and compiles statistics on materials commonly found in private and commercial environments, supports us wholeheartedly. The DTNW's microplastic analysis of dust samples from various households showed that our filter materials is highly suitable for sorting out house dust from cleaning and rinsing water.Click here for the test. We regularly supplement the test series with dust samples to support our results.
