Waschanleitung gegen Mikroplastikverschmutzung

Unser Waschguide

GUPPYFRIEND Professional

We stop microplastics at the source. Microplastics are a global problem that requires a holistic approach and joint action. We all contribute to the problem and can therefore all be part of the solution.

What does GUPPYFRIEND Professional do?

Together with project partners, GUPPYFRIEND is reducing the outcome of microplastics into nature in a measurable and sustainable way. We identify and evaluate the sources, determine the size distribution and analyse the type and composition of microplastic samples in the laboratory. We create low-key recommendations for action and develop suitable, cost-optimised product solutions to stop microplastics based on the analysis results and the intended use.

And of course, we measure the result:
How much microplastic pollution was prevented? How many chemicals and CO2 were saved?
And exemplary behaviour is rewarded: with the certification as a ‘GUPPYFRIENDly Location’.

